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Love knot in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2018-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: Love me love my dogforeknowbe known asbe known forbe known tounbeknownunbeknownstlittle-knownMeaning: n. a stylized or decorative knot used as an emblem of love. 
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1. It's an Algerian love knot.
2. Ooh, Beiwai, my love knot of English!
3. Do you have broadcasting love knot?
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. At that moment, I also comprehended the love knot of homesickness of daddy mama, witch can not be expressed in language. It was a kind of stance and feeling.
5. And the so-called "love knot" and "complex" have been the social and psychological factors which affect the change of Japan-Taiwan relations.
6. And the so-called "love knot" or "complex" has been the social and psychological driving force of Japan-Taiwan relations' further development.
7. I draw concerning the love knot to mark the card.
8. People at my age have opera love knot by and large.
9. These include symbols such as: love knot , flowers, butterflies(, and celtic knots.
10. I miss you. My love knot, like green bines tangling the tree, grows quickly under rain and dew of spring. It's you that are the ivy in my heart.
11. Men of letters mostly have a kind of love knot.
12. The "Dragon love knot", generated by Chinese national culture, was a life worship of the ancient ancestors who fought against the natural environment with their good wishes.
13. The second chapter is to analyze the mankind love knot to land complected with love and hate, and to analyze the psychology of land worship.
14. Because his marginal family in the main trend society, Sima Qian and his father had a common culture love knot and wished came back to main trend society.
15. This essay further disposes the intellectual's plum culture and love knot by analyzing those ancient intellectuals' plum blossom poetry.
16. Once you not staying with me, I miss you very much, and love knot come into being naturally.
17. The special life experience of Li Cangqi laid great influence on his love knot of Buddhism.
18. Not want to flaunt, nor symbolization only, but want to realize European love knot deep in heart.
19. And that paper plane always with my childlike innocence that I can't leave such love knot.
20. In the dream, just like a soul-losing man, I had no where to pour out my love knot. After I have been wakened back, a burst of melancholy makes me more despondent.
More similar words: Love me love my dogforeknowbe known asbe known forbe known tounbeknownunbeknownstlittle-knownforeknowledgehead over heels in lovelovey-doveylovelovedgloveloverclovein loveclovenlovelyclovergloverploveralloverlove-inall overglovedball overloved oneunlovedfall over
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